Wednesday: 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM   |   Sunday: 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM

Man Reading the Bible

Disciples of Christ at Disciples Chapel

     Disciples Chapel is a congregation founded on the belief that our faith in Christ should be lived outside the walls of the church. We believe that the principles taught by Christ are beneficial to individuals, families, and the whole community alike. We see the church building as a place to gather as believers no matter your race, social status, or background.

     As we gather we strive to become better people by growing in our faith walk as a Christ follower, serving others and going as we are led. Those who gather at Disciples Chapel desire to be a part of God's work in bringing hope and healing through the light of Christ to those around them. Being a part of Disciples Chapel will challenge you to get outside of your comfort zone and experience what real life in Christ is all about.

Church Sign

Pool Porch Cross Meal Fellowship